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AXYS® Snowmobile Extra Tall Windshield - Smoke
AXYS® Snowmobile Extra Tall Windshield - Smoke

AXYS® Snowmobile Extra Tall Windshield - Smoke

Производитель: Polaris SNOW
Код товара: 2880395
Кол-во: Заказ 45-90 дней
237.373 Цена: 21 364 ₽

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This Smoke AXYS Extra Tall Windshield provides you with the ultimate protection from wind, snow spray and trail hazards such as brush and branches. This windshield installs quickly and easily, features strong, durable construction, and has wing extensions for hand protection. Plus, its design complements your sled’s smart styling.COLOR: SmokeMATERIAL: Optical-grade polycarbonate, durable construction, 20% thicker than the stock windshieldHEIGHT: 24” tall to provide the ultimate in protectionFITS: AXYS RUSH and AXYS Switchback modelsINSTALLATION: Installs quickly & easily in place of stock windshield, uses stock mounting hardwareADDITIONAL FEATURES: Polaris branded

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