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Производитель: Polaris ATV
Код товара: 2877834-067
Кол-во: Заказ 45-90 дней
191.062 Цена: 17 196 ₽

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Product Description These lightweight, durable, high-value Crew Canvas Doors attach easily to a RANGER Crew and enhance rider protection and comfort. These Doors reliably block out bad weather, branches, brush and shrubs. The durable black canvas is used primarily around the exterior of the Doors, and across the center, where it covers framework that provides strength and support. Most of the Doors’ surface area consists of large, clear vinyl windows that allow light in and provide excellent visibility. The front Doors have large upper windows as well as lower windows that provide a view of the terrain from inside the cab. These Crew Canvas Doors can be used with components such as a Windshield and the Crew Canvas Roof & Rear Panel- 2877833-067 ( sold separately). If the Crew Canvas Doors are used as part of a complete Crew Canvas Enclosure System, rider comfort can be increased further with cab interior accessories such as a Heater, Fan, Stereo and more (each accessory sold separately).
Марка: Модель: Год
Polaris ATV Ranger 800 2013 - 2013

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