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Hopnel™ introduced its first Tuxedo Tie™ tank divider in 1997 for the Valkyrie and has continued to update this venerable fitment along with many other cruiser fitments over the past 17 years. The newest offering from Hopnel™ is the new BlackClassic series with double layered face pouch and simple decorative bar concho. All pouches include EZ Lock™ mounting that allows the pouch to be removed with a twist and replaced with numerous optional accessories such as: Map Pouch, BeverageBottle and EZ Carry™ concealed carry pouches. Made in the USA with classic styling, these new Tuxedo Ties™ not only add a convenient pouch for cellphones, GPS, gloves and garage buttons, but dress up your tank and can protect from some unwantedscuffs and scrapes.
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