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Hopnel™ Deluxe Rack Bag has 2256 cu. in. of lined storage space. Double zippered main compartment measures 8" H x 24" W x 11" D. The two front compartments measure 8" H x 6" W x 3" D.This remarkable amount of space is contained in a large maincompartment with 4 smaller pockets, 3 zippered mesh pockets and 2 easily accessible mesh elastic pockets. Bag securely fastens to luggage rack with a 4 point mounting system. Extra items can be easily carried by securing them to the top of the bagwith a bungee or strap through 6 reinforced D-rings. Convenient, comfortable, padded, over the shoulder and hand carrying straps makes this the perfect overnight bag.The Deluxe Rack Bag comes with a protective rain cover. Compatible with Big BikeParts® Luggage Racks and most aftermarket racks of comparable size.
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