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Fox® Mega FLOAT® Mono Shock Set
Fox® Mega FLOAT® Mono Shock Set

Fox® Mega FLOAT® Mono Shock Set

Производитель: Yamaha SNOW
Код товара: SMA-MEGAF-FS-00
Кол-во: Заказ 45-90 дней
0 Цена: 0 ₽

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This shock has a design very similar to the front shocks. The Mega FLOAT shock has more than twice the air volume of the front shocks, which combats heat accumulation. Like the FLOAT 2 shocks, the Mega FLOAT has a negative spring design to make the start of the shocks stroke smooth (less sticition) for a very compliant ride. Upgrade your current rear mono shock sled to the smoothest ride on the trail.

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