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GYTR® ATV Ported Cylinder Head Assembly
GYTR® ATV Ported Cylinder Head Assembly

GYTR® ATV Ported Cylinder Head Assembly

Производитель: Yamaha ATV
Код товара: 18P-E11B0-V0-00
Кол-во: Заказ 45-90 дней
0 Цена: 0 ₽

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Through extensive development, with flow bench, dyno, and track testing, we achieved optimum power from our GYTR ported cylinder head. Once we perfected the head flow characteristics, we meticulously digitized the ports to obtain the precise dimensions needed for CNC machining. Unlike flow variations inherent in hand porting, CNC porting lets us accurately reproduce this maximized flow design with every cylinder head manufactured. Cylinder head comes as a ready-to-install assembly, with valve train and GYTR Performance Camshafts pre-assembled. Can be used with stock or GYTR performance piston, sold separately. Used by the Yamaha Racing Team including 2009 ITP QuadCross Champion Dustin Nelson. This accessory is restricted to closed-course competition only.
Марка: Модель: Год
Yamaha ATV YFZ450R 2009 - 2016
Yamaha ATV YFZ450R SE 2016 - 2016
Yamaha ATV YFZ450X 2010 - 2011

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