GYTR® by FMF® PowerBomb™ Head Pipe
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The Stainless Steel PowerBomb is a four-stroke header that incorporates the patented PowerBomb module at a precise location in the initial stage of the header. By positioning this Bomb at a key point in the system, increased performance and flow is achieved through the expansion and contraction of exhaust sonics through the system. The result is a flow increase of nearly 10%! The outer chamber in the PowerBomb allows the air to expand, cool, and ramp back up at a higher velocity. Additionally, the PowerBomb is a pre-muffler of sorts, which helps to lower the bikes sound output by providing more sound absorbing surface area for the sound medium (exhaust gases). The PowerBomb provides power focused in the mid to upper rpm range. This accessory is restricted to closed-course use.
Марка: | Модель: | Год |
Yamaha ATV | RAPTOR 125 | 2011 - 2013 |
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