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Ice Scratchers
Ice Scratchers

Ice Scratchers

Производитель: Yamaha SNOW
Код товара: SMA-8JP38-00-KT
Кол-во: Заказ 45-90 дней
145.902 Цена: 13 131 ₽

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This handy device can make all the difference in promoting long hi-fax life. These spring loaded scratchers drag in the snow creating a spray of ice chips into the skid frame, lubricating your hi-fax. The Ice Scratchers allow for removal of wheels thus reducing sled weight. When not in use, they simply hook over the rails. Kit comes complete with drilling and installation instructions. Do not use in reverse. Sold in pairs. *SMA-8JP38-00-KT does not fit 2015 SR Viper R-TX LE

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