Lock & Ride Mid Poly Windshield
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This Lock & Ride® Mid Poly Windshield provides a Polaris® SPORTSMAN ACE™ rider with protection as well as airflow that creates an open cockpit riding experience. This polycarbonate windshield rises to a mid-height to block dust, spray and rain, and the open area above the windshield allows airflow to the seating area. This windshield can be installed or removed quickly and easily using Lock & Ride® technology and it can be used with other accessories such as a roof, audio, and more. Provides protection & delivers optimum airflow into cab deal for heat/dust conditions strong, durable impact-resistant polycarbonate Innovative design directs airflow & dust away from the driver Lock & Ride® technology: Install or remove in minutes without tools Includes all mounting hardware Smoke tint Can be used with other accessories such as roof, doors, audio, etc.
Марка: | Модель: | Год |
Polaris ATV | Sportsman ACE | 2014 - 2015 |
Polaris ATV | Sportsman ACE 570 | 2015 - 2015 |
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