Mid-Size Crew Lock & Ride Poly Doors
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Product Description These strong, durable doors for MID-SIZE RANGER CREW provide protection and comfort. Their windows can be opened as desired for airflow and exterior access.These doors can only be used with the below cab accessories Mid-Size Poly Cab Windshield 2879108Mid-Size Glass Windshield 2879747Mid-Size Crew Poly Roof 2879112Mid-Size Crew Rear Panel 2879951Pivot windows offer ventilation/opening optionsStrong, durable structural web injection-molded shellProfile tubing and plastic design create sealed perimeterLightweight, strong & durable polyethylene constructionTextured finish on polyethylene matches vehicle finishDoor is backed with sound-absorbing insulation material
Марка: | Модель: | Год |
Polaris ATV | Ranger 500 | 2011 - 2011 |
Polaris ATV | Ranger 570 | 2014 - 2014 |
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