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With demand for Big Bike Parts® latest 2 3/8’’ Mini LED Lights on the rise, Big Bike Parts® is now able to offer these new Mini LED Lights in their Contour and Elliptical Light Bar Kits. These Mini LED Lights provide an astonishing 400 lumenswith a built in chrome visor already designed into the chrome bezel, making these lights not only bright but a good looking addition to any motorcycle. Available in a full kit form for Honda VT750 Ace; VT1100 Aero or Sabre; VT750 Aero, Spirit, C2,Phantom or R/S; Valkyrie; VTX1300; Kawasaki; VN2000 and VN900; as well as Suzuki VL800 and C50’s. Comes in two choices of light bars, either Contour forged aluminum or more traditional Elliptical.
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