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Overhead Storage Bag - Black
Overhead Storage Bag - Black

Overhead Storage Bag - Black

Производитель: Polaris ATV
Код товара: 2879706
Кол-во: Заказ 45-90 дней
0 Цена: 0 ₽

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A Polaris® SPORTSMAN ACE™ rider can keep small items such as a phone, sunglasses, gloves, or snacks conveniently close in this Overhead Storage Bag. This durable, versatile Polaris® Engineered overhead organizer can be installed to the top of the frame in seconds, and removed just as quickly and easily. Securely holds cargo in 3 zippered compartments Durable bag construction, built to withstand off-road conditions Install or remove quickly & easily, no tools required Attaches securely to vehicle frame Cargo is conveniently close & easily accessible from driver’s seat Can be used with any SPORTSMAN ACE™ roof Polaris® branded
Марка: Модель: Год
Polaris ATV ACE 2014 - 2015
Polaris ATV Sportsman 450 2016 - 2016
Polaris ATV Sportsman ACE 2014 - 2015
Polaris ATV Sportsman ACE 570 2015 - 2015

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