Polaris 60th Anniv Oil Drum-LE
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Collect a piece of Polaris history with this 60th Anniversary Oil Drum. Since 1954 Polaris has been providing the best riding experience in powersports. A limited edition production run was commissioned to celebrate this anniversary and share it with our loyal riders. This 16 gallon drum is made from durable steel and wrapped with commemorative images that celebrate the storied history of Polaris. All the way around this classic oil drum you can follow the brand’s roots in snowmobiles to Sportsman®, RZR®, RANGER® and more demonstrating the engineering break-throughs that have provided the most exhilarating off-road experiences out there. This is perfect for the Polaris garage, shop or place where you tell your riding stories.
Марка: | Модель: | Год |
Polaris ATV | Sportsman 450 | 2016 - 2016 |
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