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Polaris Interactive Digital Display 2.0
Polaris Interactive Digital Display 2.0

Polaris Interactive Digital Display 2.0

Производитель: Polaris SNOW
Код товара: 2881554
Кол-во: Заказ 45-90 дней
0 Цена: 0 ₽

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New Features Simple and seamless- Polaris has developed the first of its kind, this display will put you at the center of your riding experience in a whole new way. Ride Planning Feature enables you to plan a ride on RiderX, save it as a GPX file, and transfer it to the display through the USB interface Control of Bluetooth™ audio media streaming with track and artist display North Up/Course Up Navigation lets you customize the GPS to operate with North up or Course up navigation depending on your preference Distance to a selected Waypoint shown on the Map screen Automatic Day/Night Brightness change based on time of day and day of year New riding screen with increased visibility to important diagnostics, gear indicator enlarges on gear change Standard Features 4.3” high-resolution, full-color, LCD digital display Bluetooth™ connectivity allows you to pair your smart phone and check missed calls, text message, battery life and signal strength. Diagnostics screen displays vehicle fault codes (NEW: Voltage and engine temp faults will pop up and turn red at critical levels) Vehicle Immobilizer and security function allow you to lock your vehicle with a passcode. NoteThe security function is only available for Polaris Snowmobiles GPS Connectivity offers exact location information including elevation, latitude/longitude, compass bearings, as well as recording your route so you can find trails again.

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