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Rear View Mirror
Rear View Mirror

Rear View Mirror

Производитель: Polaris ATV
Код товара: 2879712
Кол-во: Заказ 45-90 дней
0 Цена: 0 ₽

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A Polaris® SPORTSMAN ACE™ rider will enjoy enhanced awareness of the riding environment with this Polaris® Engineered Rear View Mirror. It mounts securely on the vehicle frame and provides an expansive view of what’s behind the vehicle. Convex design provides excellent view of area behind vehicle Gives rider enhanced awareness of other vehicles & surroundings Can be used in conjunction with accessories such as roof, windshield, etc. Installs quickly and easily on bracket that mounts on vehicle frame Can be center mounted on the front overhead frame bar or offset to either side to suit driver preference Easily adjustable by hand
Марка: Модель: Год
Polaris ATV Sportsman ACE 2014 - 2015
Polaris ATV Sportsman ACE 570 2015 - 2015

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