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Replacement Mini Jump Start Clamps by Antigravity Batteries™
Replacement Mini Jump Start Clamps by Antigravity Batteries™

Replacement Mini Jump Start Clamps by Antigravity Batteries™

Производитель: Yamaha ATV
Код товара: DBY-ACC56-24-99
Кол-во: Заказ 45-90 дней
0 Цена: 0 ₽

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Replacement for lost or damaged cables Compatible with the Micro-Start XP-1, XP-3, XP-5 Clamps feature a built-in diode to prevent back-charge to the Micro-Start from the vehicle NOTICE: Cables can be damaged when trying to jump start a vehicle that draws more current than the Micro-Start is capable of supplying - if this occurs regularly, you need to get a larger Micro-Start. The Micro-Start is intended for jump starting only through the jump start port. Never leave the Micro-Start connected to your vehicles battery for longer than 30 seconds. Never use the Micro-Start in place of your regular battery. Never attempt to charge the Micro-Start directly from your battery through the jump start port this could result in severe damage.

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