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Seat Cover by Quad Tech™
Seat Cover by Quad Tech™

Seat Cover by Quad Tech™

Производитель: Yamaha ATV
Код товара: GYT-0SS55-90-55
Кол-во: Заказ 45-90 дней
0 Цена: 0 ₽

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The Seat Cover by Quad Tech was developed with the assistance of Yamaha ATV racers. The feedback from the racers are based off their extensive testing on the national circuits has yielded a superior product. The seat cover is handmade and constructed with high-quality materials for the best performance available. Panels are cut to match high-wear and rider-comfort areas, with extra padding sewn in key areas that improves the durability of the cover.
Марка: Модель: Год
Yamaha ATV RAPTOR 700 2010 - 2016
Yamaha ATV RAPTOR 700R 2009 - 2016
Yamaha ATV RAPTOR 700R SE 2016 - 2016

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