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These Side Bags are an innovative cargo solutions that makes efficient use of available space in a Polaris® SPORTSMAN ACE™. These bags secure to the vehicle framework quickly and easily without tools using integrated straps. They provide convenient cargo space for small items such as a wallet, phone, glasses, goggles, gloves, cap, and much more. These bags feature a zippered compartment to securely hold cargo while you ride, and an exterior mesh pocket whose contents are visible. The side bags are accessible by the driver while seated in the vehicle. When the ride ends, remove the bags completely or leave them attached and simply take the contents with you. Cannot be used when doors are installed. Sold as a set of two bags. An innovative cargo solution that holds small items without using space in the rear cargo box Bags secure to the vehicle framework using integrated straps No tools required for installation or removal Convenient cargo space for a wide variety of small items Bag has zippered compartment to securely hold cargo & mesh outside pocket Sold individually, purchase two to have one for each side of the vehicle Cannot be used along with doors Polaris branded Fits all Polaris® SPORTSMAN ACE™ models
Марка: | Модель: | Год |
Polaris ATV | ACE | 2014 - 2015 |
Polaris ATV | Sportsman 450 | 2016 - 2016 |
Polaris ATV | Sportsman ACE | 2015 - 2015 |
Polaris ATV | Sportsman ACE 570 | 2015 - 2015 |
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