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SRViper® Turbo Kits by MPI®
SRViper® Turbo Kits by MPI® SRViper® Turbo Kits by MPI® SRViper® Turbo Kits by MPI® SRViper® Turbo Kits by MPI®

SRViper® Turbo Kits by MPI®

Производитель: Yamaha SNOW
Код товара: SMA-8JP17-00-TB
Кол-во: Заказ 45-90 дней
0 Цена: 0 ₽

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Unleash the potential of your SRViper by bolting on an additional 45 HP, available exclusively at Yamaha dealers. Designed to run on premium pump gas Offers significant performance gains across the entire RPM range Lightweight Quick spooling Designed for operation in a wide range of altitudes Clutch kit (re-clutching) may be required for specific elevations *Failure to set-up units and test/tune properly could cause performance issues and unintended damage. SRVipers installed with a MPI turbo need to be re-clutched to run in the recommended shift range of 8400~8600 RPM . Additionally maximum boost should not exceed 5 psi. (Installation of a boost gauge is also highly recommended , available locally). **While installation of these kits will not void your snowmobiles warranty, specific failures determined by Yamaha to have resulted from installation of kit components or other modifications may not be covered by the Yamaha limited warranty or extended service coverage. SMA-MPILE-CK-00 Clutch Kit (Mountain Performance, Inc.) or equivalent kits are for applications of 2500ft and under.

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