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The Hopnel™ division of Big Bike Parts® adds yet another all new storage system for the Can-Am RT. This unique tank map and pouch system has 4 distinct items that can be interchanged to make 3 unique storage systems, making this system a truemultifunction product. The large main pocket is zippered and measures 5 ¼” wide by 7” tall and 1 ½” thick and slips over the glove box door. Its back is felt lined to avoid scratches to your bikes finish. The pouch contains our Buddy Lock system onits face allowing you to lock in the separate smaller 3 ½” x 6” by 1” pouch that comes with a UV stabilized clear face to allow visual access to cell or GPS screens. Quickly remove the smaller pouch with a twist and replace it with the 10 ½" X 12 ¼”Map pouch, which easily holds any paper map or even a full size iPad to provide a moving map. Also included is a belt attachment that allows the smaller pouch to clip to your belt allowing you to easily carry a cellphone, glasses or other necessities.
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