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Viking VI-Seater Second Battery Kit
Viking VI-Seater Second Battery Kit

Viking VI-Seater Second Battery Kit

Производитель: Yamaha ATV
Код товара: 2PG-H21B0-V0-00
Кол-во: Заказ 45-90 дней
533.335 Цена: 48 000 ₽

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This convenient kit, created with a collaborative design between Yamaha and WARN gives you the ability to install a second battery in your Viking. Perfect for adding on and running accessories like winches, stereos, and light kits. Kit saves the main battery for essential functions like engine starting In the event both batteries need charging, the main battery will be charged first Includes cut-to-length wiring, stock connectors, and model specific battery mounting bracket Easy to install For use with 12-volt accessories

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