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Viper Windshields
Viper Windshields Viper Windshields Viper Windshields Viper Windshields

Viper Windshields

Производитель: Yamaha SNOW
Код товара: SMA-8JP96-10-BK
Кол-во: Заказ 45-90 дней
107.5344 Цена: 9 678 ₽

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Mix-up the look of your Viper with these stock Viper Windshields. Low windshield is used on the SR Viper LTX SE, SR Viper RTX SE, and SR Viper XTX SE. The medium windshield is used on the SR Viper and SR Viper LTX. Both can be equipped on any SR Viper model. Taller windshield options is also available.

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