Wolverine Soft Side Cover
Заказ 45-90 дней
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Protects occupants from rain, wind, mud, and light trail debris Quick snap-on/pull-off installation Zippers operate in conjunction with doors for easy in/out access Windows can be rolled up and secured with straps when not needed Made of durable Sur Last 300 denier nylon and clear vinyl Attaches with hook-and-loop and permanent riveted snaps, no adhesive that gums up your panels/doors and wears out quickly Highly recommended to be used in conjunction with accessory Rear Window, Folding Windshield, and either Hard Sun Top or Soft Sun Top for maximum cab warmth and weather protection (all sold separately) When installed in conjunction with the accessory Folding Windshield and Top (sold separately), it closes the gap and provides a good seal from cold and rain All components are rust and UV resistant Dealer installation recommended (drilling and riveting required)
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