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YXZ1000R™ Alternator Kit
YXZ1000R™ Alternator Kit

YXZ1000R™ Alternator Kit

Производитель: Yamaha ATV
Код товара: 2HC-H1200-V0-00
Кол-во: Заказ 45-90 дней
1087.893 Цена: 97 910 ₽

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This alternator is a great addition to the YXZ1000R, ensuring your battery stays charged while running different electrical accessories such as lights and stereos. Kit includes: Alternator and mount Wiring Belt and pulley Dust Cover New oil lines (must relocate) All necessary hardware This Alternator Kit is required for use if either the 27 or 15 High Output HALO LED Light Bar or 27 Radiant LED Light Bar (sold separately) is installed on the unit NOTE: Dealer installation recommended.

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